Monday, April 23, 2018

Cover and Small Update

Hi everyone,

It’s been awhile so I thought I give a little update on the book. As everyone could see, I got the cover page and decided on the title of ‘Fantasy Expands’. I know the cover is very different from the cover of ‘Fantasy Begins’ and while that made me hesitate, I finally decided to pull the trigger and bought the cover on At the same time, I finished the rewrite of the book and it’s currently with a freelance editor from It probably be two weeks before it’s done so in the meantime I would advise anyone still reading the series on RRL to finish up quickly.

Yes, I’m going to take the book off RRL. Once the editing is done, I’m going to delete the pages, put up the first two chapters of the book and moved the book to the ‘Completed’ section of RRL. The reason are mainly twofold. First; most authors on RRL who publish does it (for obvious reasons) so why not me? Secondly; the last third of the book has been changed and I do not want to have two versions of the page out there. When doing the rewrite, I discovered I basically wrote the same battle twice via two different POV. In the rewrite, I try to correct this issue and also add in some other differences. There is a new Boss in the book and a (hopefully enjoyable) battle no one had read before.


'A Proper Villain' is now available

'A Proper Villain'- Book 1 of Grandpa Sweet Fist is now available on Amazon. I am excited to get the book out and interested to see ...